Labels:bulletin board | laptop | personal digital assistant OCR: need Everything to know you Teach Yourself To Sing start singing now! For beginners of all ages Interactive song player The basics of singing lets you: including breathing, Transpose the MIDI file posture warming up playback to any key reading music and more Adjust tempo Rock, jazz blues aad Mix audio accom npaniment other popular styles from Download the new Internet lessons with Record (requires your micr rophone) performance! the Add-a- esson Course Customizer Lessons are clear Follow along with music right on aad easy to follow your screen Breathino You can now teach yourself to sing, even though you have never taken lesson. Windows Requirements Macintosh Reguirements Pentium processor or compatible Power PC or Power Macintosh Windows 95/98/NT or later System 753 or later 32 MB RAM 32 ...